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LG Decode LG phone

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 LG Decode LG phone Codes decode phones
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LG Decode LG phone Codes decode phones

Use code CHILLY15 to get 15% off all hoodies!
SIM Card and then:
LG C3100 press 2945#*3101#
LG C3380 press 2945#*7101#
LG F2300 press 2945#*7101#
LG KE260 press 2945#*2601#
LG KE970 press 2945#*9701#
LG KF245c press 2945#*7101#
LG KF390 and KF390q *#865625#
LG KF600 press 2945#*71001#
LG KF755d press 2945#*755# (you need to insert a not-allowed SIM card instead and then enter the sequence to enter the code)
LG KG120 press 2945#*1201#
LG KG220 press 2945#*1201#
LG KG240 press 2945#*3311#
LG KG280 press 2945#*7101#
LG KG290 press 2945#*7101#
LG KG800 press 2945#*7101#
LG KP210a press 2945#*71001# ( (you need to insert a not-allowed SIM card instead and then enter the sequence to enter the code)
LG KP500 press 2945#*71101# LG KP265 press 2945#*265#
LG KU250 press 2945#*250#
LG KU380 press 2945#*380#
LG TE365 press 2945#*365# (you need to insert a not-allowed SIM card instead and then enter the sequence to enter the code)
Next, a secret menu will appear, go to settings-security-sim lock, enter NCK and press OK.

For the following models you must insert a not-allowed SIM and then:
LG KU311 press 815118#*#
LG KU800 press 82652#*#
LG L600v press 815118#*#
LG U8150 press 277634#*#
LG U8210 press 277634#*#
LG U8500 press 277634#*#
LG U400 press 2945#*88110#
LG KC550 press 2945#*71001#
LG KU580 press 2945#*580#
LG KT520 press 2945#*520#
LG KF750 press 2945#*750#
LG KF600 press 2945#*71001#
LG KG275 press 2945#*20001#
LG KU380 press 2945#*380#
LG KU311 press 815118#*#
LG KU800 press 82652#*#
LG L600v press 815118#*#
LG U8150 press 277634#*#
LG U8210 press 277634#*#
LG U8500 press 277634#*#
LG C3100 press 2945#*3101#
LG C3380 press 2945#*7101#
LG F2300 press 2945#*7101#
LG KE260 press 2945#*2601#
LG KG120 press 2945#*1201#
LG KG220 press 2945#*1201#
LG KG240 press 2945#*3311#
LG KG280 press 2945#*7101#
LG KS360 press 2945#*71001#
LG KS500 press 2945#*500#
LG KP270 press 2945#*270#
LG KF240 press 2945#*240# or 2945#*2401#
LG KG290 press 2945#*7101#
LG KU250 press 2945#*250# 
Enter NCK and press OK

Gor lock

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